
今日無事に8日間の個展が終わりました。初日は沢山の人が来てくれたけどそれ以降はチラホラと人が来るという感じ。正直もっと多くの人に来てもらいたかったけど、まだコロナ継続中なので難しいのでしょう。でも来てくれた人皆さん、総じて良い反応でした。それが何よりも嬉しいです^ ^とにかく良い経験をさせて貰えてハッピーです。次はライプツィヒでのグループ展です。詳細は追ってまた。そしてまだ未定ですが、ライプツィヒでも個展をするかもしれません。条件はドイツ滞在の更なる延長。今はどうするか思案中です。とても難しい選択であります。

My solo exhibition for eight days was done peacefully. On opening day, many people has come, but after next days only a few people visited. To be honest, I wanted many people to come more, but seems that it’s difficult for those who have anxiety against virus. However almost of the all visitors gave a good response for my works, it’s my pleasure:) Anyways I feel so happy giving me this great chance and experience. Next, I’ll join a group exhibition at Leipzig soon, let you know about details. And not decided yet, but second solo exhibition might be held in Leipzig, if I stay Germany more longer. Now I’m thinking how should I do, it’s quite tough decision for me.

Green tea bake

昨日7時間かけてギャラリーで絵の展示準備をして来ました。窓拭いたり床掃除したり色々大変でしたが何とか良い感じに収まりました。そして明日夜のオープニングパーティーの為に抹茶ケーキ作ってみました。美味しく出来ました〜ドイツの人にウケると良いな^ ^

Yesterday the preparation of display at gallery was completed taking seven hours. Although it was quite hard work to do something such as window cleaning, floor sweeping and so on, we could do preparing somehow. And I made a green tea bake for tomorrow opening party. Yummy ! Hope German people like this taste:)

Share mates

私には2人のシェアメイトがいます。2人はニュージーランド人で、sound artistのクロビスとそのパートナーのガーリンです。私の今の絵のテーマである音楽と絵の融合を全くの偶然ですがクロビスも実践していて、彼の場合は音楽側から3Dバーチャルを使ってアプローチしてます。ガーリンはアーティストでは無いけどシェフ兼ギタリストの素敵な女性です。彼女の影響で手抜きしない料理を私も始めました。2人は本当に良い人達で改めて彼らとシェア出来てラッキーだと日々感じてます。もし1人で今の状況に置かれてたら鬱々としてたかもしれない。彼らとの生活が今はとても楽しいです。

Now I share the apartment with two people, Clovis and his partner Garling, who were from New Zealand. Clovis is a sound artist and coincidentally has a theme of integration between music and art which is same as my current theme of work. He approaches that from music side using 3D virtual equipment. Garling isn’t an artist, but chef and guitarist. She’s really wonderful person, and taught me the splendor of cooking without corner-cutting. I feel so happy and lucky to share with them because they’re very nice people. If I’ve lived by myself here, I might have been depressed due to this situation. I enjoy this life together with them!

Spring clothes

今最も大きな問題は春服が無い事です。今週はどうやら20度超えるらしく、これは極めて深刻です。日本から送ってもらう予定の荷物は様々な事情によりいつ届くか定かではないです。あまり服を買いたくも無いし…でも今日近所の道端で春服(ジーンズ、カーディガン、ワンピース)拾いました^ ^(ベルリンでは道端に要らない本とか服を置く習慣があり、私はよく本をゲットします)。とにかくありがたく着させて貰います。

I have significant problem that having no spring clothes. Seems that it’ll be over 20℃ next week, it’s very serious for me. Not sure when the luggage which my parents expect to send me will be delivered from Japan due to various reasons. I don’t wanna buy many clothes here as possible. But today I picked up spring clothes(jeans, cardigan, one-piece) on the nearby street. (There is a habit of putting things that are not needed on the road at Berlin, I often pick up books.) Anyways I receive these clothes with many thanks 🙂


今日からギターの練習始めました。シェアメイトからの借り物です。彼女はめちゃ上手!ピアノはギャラリーにあるので毎日は弾きにくい(徒歩30分)けどギターはいつでも弾けます^ ^私の大好きなBump of chicken のギターナンバー’everlasting lie’をマスターしたい。勿論弾き語りで。初心者なのに難しい曲に挑戦してるけど頑張る💪目標はブライアンメイ笑

From today I started playing a guitar which I rent from my share mate who’s guitar expert. It can allow me to play everyday compared with piano there’s in gallery(30 minutes by walking). I wanna master a guitar number ‘everlasting lie’ by BUMP OF CHICKEN I love, while singing , of course:) I try to play difficult song despite a beginner, do my best! My target level is Brian May :p


今、私の絵のテーマは音楽と絵の融合です。音楽特有のリズム用語を絵にしたらどうなるのかなと、フリーコンサート中にふと思い立ちました。私にとっては音楽(ピアノ)は絵と同じ位大事な表現媒体なので、この2つを繋げてみたかったのです。そして、そのリズムを刻むのが動物達です^ ^私の絵の世界が広がりそうでワクワクです。

Now my theme of works is to combine music with art. I sparked suddenly while free concert that what will happen if I express the music-specific rhythm terms as a painting. I wanted to unite both of them because they’re important expression mediums for me. And animals beat the rhythm. It’s exciting for me because the world of my works is going to expand 🙂



When I change the color of silver leaf, use lime sulfur but couldn’t find it here, so purchased a liquid including sulfur that is used as blackening silver accessories. I applied that on silver leaf as usual, silver leaf blackened soon without heat( in case of lime sulfur, chemical reaction is urged by heat). And the parts which I didn’t apply anything changed gold or green after painting alum liquid( reaction terminator). Probably it’s caused by difference of pH or ingredients, it’s hard to deal with than lime sulfur. Umm…

Free concert

毎週火曜にベルリンフィル主催の無料コンサートに行ってます。基本クラシックで新旧色々演奏してくれていつも最高です^ ^そこで先週出会ったマダム達と今日も出会い何だか仲良くなりました。彼女達は英語を解さず私の方もドイツ語ほぼ分からないから雰囲気の会話。でもお互い何となく言いたい事が分かり来週も会う約束をしました。もう少し会話したいからドイツ語もっと頑張る😊

Every Tuesday I go to free lunch concert held by Berlin Philharmonic. Fundamentally playlist is classic music from old to modern, it’s fascinating play every time:) Today I met three madams there whom met last week too. We can’t understand languages we talk about each other but kind of get it somehow and promised let’s meet next week. I wanna talk with them more, this incident would motivate me to lean German more🙂


14 日に自分の絵についてのプレゼンをする事になり、現在原稿を作ってます。当日は原稿無しで挑みますが時々カンニングすると思います。研究者時代に何度もプレゼンしたけど、研究内容よりpptのデザイン性を追求してました😅そんな訳でプレゼンは慣れてるので何とかなると思いますが英語がな〜

Now I’m making a manuscript because it was decided to give a presentation about my works on 14th. I’ll try it without manuscript on the day but bet I’ll steal a glance at it sometimes. When I was a researcher, gave a presentation many times although I didn’t pursued contents of research but a design of PowerPoint:p That’s why I’m used to a presentation so I can do that somehow but English…oh

Share mate


I’m supposed to live with a share mate now and share the kitchen and bathroom with him or her but this person haven’t come yet. When I’m painting whole day, having no chance to meet someone or speak so I feel lonely a little bit. My English ability isn’t getting better without conversations 🙁 Seems that he or she’ll come here after 10 days. I want people who can live comfortably.