Send-off party

友人達が壮行会を開いてくれました。ありがたや〜お肉が食べたいと言ったら神戸牛の焼肉屋さんに連れて行ってくれました!沢山色んな方が応援してくれて本当に嬉しいです^ ^海外での製作は未知の世界ゆえに私自身心の準備がまだ整ってないです。でもあまり気負わず楽しんで来ようと思ってます。

My friends were kind enough to held a send-off party for me. Thankfully, they chose a yakiniku restaurant as I requested. What’s more, it was Kobe beef! I’m really happy that so many people support me:) To be honest, I’m not ready for AIR because it’s first experience to make works on abroad. But I don’t go too hard on myself and I wanna enjoy!

Kobe beeeeef !!

Before Packing


Little by little I’m collecting necessary things towards going to Berlin. My luggage must be terribly heavy due to a lot amount of painting tools, bulky winter clothes, groceries and daily necessities etc… I was at a loss about too many belongings when i listed up them. Of course I’ll get local stuffs as possible I can:)

Downfall (Der Untergang)

ドイツ語リスニングも兼ねて、ヒトラー最後の12日という映画を観てみました。長くなるので感想については割愛。ほとんど理解出来ない中でも、時々言葉が聞き取れて嬉しかった^ ^ドイツ語はあらゆる変化系が多すぎて覚えるの大変過ぎる故に、英語って超シンプルだと思えます。英語もまだまだやけど。言語学習は1日してならず!

I watched a movie titled downfall also for listening to German. I omit the the review because it’s going to be long. Even though I hardly understood languages, I could catch some words:) Anyways there’re many variations in German, it’s difficult to memorize those, so I fully realize the simplicity of English. Ich lerne sehr fleißig Duetsch und Englisch!

About a month


It’s about a month till going to Germany. The stay period is from 7th January to 31st March. Now I feel restless a little bit due to piling up a lot of things I have to do. I worry about language, making works and something, but I just need to give it a go, anyways! And expect that I’ll join an art event at Spain in May. I’ll let you know about that in the future:)