Unknown Asia 2019


タイトル: Unknown Asia art exchange Osaka 2019

日時: 10.26th_Sat 10:00-20:00 // 10.27th_Sun 9:30-17:30

会場: グランフロント大阪 ナレッジキャピタル コングレコンベンションセンター(北館B2F)

I’ll join an art fair at Osaka in October.

TITLE: Unknown Asia art exchange Osaka 2019

Terms : 10.26th_Sat 10:00-20:00 // 10.27th_Sun 9:30-17:30

Venue: Second basement, North Building, Grand Front Osaka

Artist statement

今後の絵の活動において、とある計画があり、その必要性からartist statement ( 和訳知らない)を書いてます。自分の絵を体系的に整理して明文化するという作業。なかなか大変だけどバラバラだった創作に一本の柱が通った様で面白い。

As a future activity of art, I make some plans that submittal about an artist statement is required. It needs to organize my works systematically and write it down precisely. It’s a tough work but it’s interesting as though I could get a firm pillar for all art pieces:)

Terrible handwriting…

Old works 昔の作品


I found my old works(doodle) which I drew before going illustration school. I often drew this character having afro hair. Though my painting changed a lot, a motivation that I wanna make fun for those who watch my artworks doesn’t change , I reaffirmed:)

The theory of the art 美術論


An owner of the gallery lent me a literature about the theory of the art. He said i should learn about that more. It’s difficult to say that it’s interesting for me. Interpreting the art theoretically is not suitable for me:(

Latest illustration

個展には間に合わなかったけど、新しい作品が仕上がりました。ペンギンが描きたかったのです。空が海かどちらにも見えたら幸いです。題名はインスタで決を採った所、messenger になりました(^ν^)

I drew new illustration although it couldn’t be on display at this exhibition due to no making it in time. I wanted to draw penguins. I’d be happy if a blue part looked like both sea and sky. Btw I titled it “Messenger “ , as a result of voting on instagram:)



Second exhibition started. A number of visitors were by no means many but I was happy that not only my friends and acquaintances but also inhabitants living in Takamiya came to see. I’ll make an effort to endure the heat, remaining of 6 days:)

A final touch 最終調整

いよいよ金曜日の搬入に向けて、絵の最後の調整を行いました。まあ主に豹のヒゲ部分ですね。ヒゲを伸ばしたり濃くしたり。個展会場まで実物を見に来てくれたら嬉しいです^ ^

I made a final touch for artwork towards the day for carrying in of exhibition. Mainly, the touch point was beard of leopard with extending, thickening and so on. I’d be happy if you’ll come to venue and watch that actually:)

Complete!! 完成!


My second art piece was completed at last! I’m proud myself that I could make two big sized works( 60F &60P) for four months. From these ones, I considerably changed the taste of works, but rather it was so fun to draw them because seemed that new taste fitted me:)



I made captions using a styrene board for all works towards following exhibition. I used styrofoam on previous exhibition because of ignorance so the edges of captions tattered…

90% of completion 完成近し


A work which did try and error closed to completion. It needs a detailed adjustment on this stage and have to find just right balance in the picture.It’s also troublesome stage… I’ll make an effort!