Art class 日本画教室


I carried two works with stacked sideways which size were 60F and 60P when went to art class. They were bloody heavy so I desperately used all of my energy just only carrying them. I swore that I’ll never again carry two works at the same time_:(´ཀ`」 ∠):

Recommended book 好きな本

『広い宇宙に地球人しか見当たらない50の理由』by Stephen Webb。フェルミのパラドックスに基づくサイエンス本です。例えば宇宙人はいるけど遠すぎて来られない、地球人しか存在しないとか色々な仮説を論証。最後には読者自身の自説も固まると思います。勧めても皆読んでくれないんですけどね〜ちなみに私の意見は、エイリアンは既に地球にいる、です!

“If the universe is teeming with Aliens…Where is Everybody “ by Stephen Webb. This is a science book based on Fermi paradox. 50 hypotheses were demonstrated in it, for example, aliens exist but can’t come here due to being too far-away, we’re alone in the universe , etc… After reading, readers must be able to obtain their own opinion about existence of aliens. Everyone has never read that despite my strong recommendation,though. Btw in my opinion, aliens are already living here:)

Mud paint水干絵の具


Painted with Suihi paint (made by mud). it’s easy to fill with color using Suihi because of having well-spreading. But in case of Rock paint , if I use it to do same thing, it needs a lot of amount so it’s quite unreasonable:p



At last, one of works, which expect to be on display at next exhibition, was completed!! After passing the hardest stage, it progressed smoothly beyond prediction. And also making postcard and flyer was completed !

Making Matière マチエール作り

胡粉と方解末を混ぜたもの。怪しい粉に見えなくもない ^^それを画面に置いて盛り上げて行きます。超地道な作業でめっちゃ疲れます!でも楽しい。後々、このマチエールが効いてきます。多分。

Mixed Gofun( by seashells) and Hokaimatsu ( by glass) , looks like illegal powder, though?! And that mixture is piling up on the picture. I feel tired I could die due to detailed work…but fun:) Eventually, this Matière will effect the result of work maybe.

Shelled Walnut 胡桃

In Berlin, the host at apartment gave me a lot of walnuts as a souvenir. I ate that every morning with yogurt. At last, the remaining is two…omg. Seriously I’m thinking about purchasing that at Amazon or something.


Progress of work 進捗


75~80% of completion. It’s the hardest stage right now. It’s frustrating that progress is slow in spite of knowing completed image. I wanna get over that ASAP(´-`)

Second work


Started making the second work using a linen cloth which I use for the first time . I applied ochre as a base coat on 60F. I’m drawing two works simultaneously from today (*_*)

Sayo Watano Solo Exhibition 2 開催のご案内



期間:2019年8月 3、4、10、11、17、18、24、25(いずれも土日)



I’ll hold my solo exhibition at Hikone in Shiga Prefecture in August .2019. It’ll be open for one month on Saturdays and Sundays only.

Place: The Gallery

Term: Aug/2019 3-4, 10-11, 17- 18, 24-25(Saturday and Sunday)

Time: 10:00~17:00

Address: 2229 Takamiya, Hikone city, Shiga Prefecture

Gallery HP:


New Work


New illustration was completed! I’ll make new fine art (Japanese style painting) using same motif from now on, and expect to be on display these ones at next exhibition. Please enjoy the difference of expression method:)

花泥棒 Flower Theft