Muscle training

5月末に自転車で転んで右肩を強打したんですが、その後遺症でずっと右上腕に違和感があってでも放置してました。漸く病院行ったら、肩関節内部の損傷で治る事は無いから筋トレで筋肉を補強するしかないと言われました(*´-`)えー… そんな訳で腕立てが日課になりそうです!

In the end of May, I fell down from bike and bumped my right shoulder strongly. Although I always felt the pain in the right upper arm due to sequelae, I had ignored that. At last I went to a clinic. A doctor said the cause of pain is a damage inside the shoulder joint and never heal that. So I have to do muscle training for muscle reinforcement around shoulder. Wow! Therefore, push up becomes my daily routine!!


Artist in Residence への参加が決まりました。場所はベルリンで1月から3月までの3ヶ月間。期間の最後にはグループ展にて絵が展示されます。色んな国を検討したけど中々難しくて、漸く受け入れてくれる所が決まって嬉しいです^ ^ちゃんと制作出来るかドキドキですが楽しんで来ようと思います!まずは英語の勉強からです^_^

It was decided that I’ll join the “Artist in Residence” at Berlin from January to March. In the end of the term, a group exhibition will be held there. I sought some worldwide residency programs which could accept me , but it was difficult due to over the application deadline or full. So I was very happy to find there at last 🙂 I wanna enjoy this experience! I have to learn English more, anyway:p

Washing 洗い

洗いという手法を初めて用いました。黒い岩絵の具で絵を塗り潰して乾かしてから、再び水で絵の具を洗い流します。何という絵具の無駄遣い 笑(筆洗いに残った絵具は再利用します) 。でもこんなに渋くなったのでやって良かった。ただ全体をどうまとめるか悩みどころ。。

I tried doing a new method named “Washing”. At first I painted out a surface of work by black rock paints , and washed away these paints after drying. What a waste of paints! (The paint remaining in the brush wash will be reused, though). I’m satisfied with this cool outcome, but I don’t know whether it’ll be in harmony among the whole painting.



I tried using a paint roller for the first time . I used mat mediums instead of natural glues because I thought the adhesion of rock paints might decrease due to friction with roller. As a result it’d be fine. I must do this method a lot in future:)

Realtime interrupt 仮想空間計画


I could focus on reading while getting in a train long time. Its title was Realtime Interrupt written by JamesP.Hogan. The beginning of story was slightly boring but gradually it’d be interesting , and fascinated me till last page. “Human should go back to basics” was summary of this story. Btw I think his best one is “ Inherit the Stars” 🙂

New work


I desperately keep making the base of new painting. I’m suffering with stiff neck due to consecutive detailed work. However I make an effort because it’d become easy after this phase completes.

Modification 変更

このサイトのホームに以前は絵を載せてましたが、Gallery と重複してたのでArtist Statement に変えてみました。自分が絵を描く理由、動機なんかを客観的に述べてます。それから、ギャラリー内の絵を密かに?少しずつ増やしてます。

I changed a content of Home in this site from Works to Artist Statement because of duplication with contents of Gallery. I objectively wrote the motivation and reason why I draw paintings. And works is increasing secretly in Gallery little by little.



An art classmate gave me a plant named Diplocyclos palmatus, and I did sketch that after a long time. It’s cute but strange. Btw it’s a poisonous one so that we can’t eat it.


Short trip

家族で出雲へ旅行に行きました。風邪が旅行効果か治ってきて良かったー。島根県に生まれて初めて行ったのですが風光明媚な良い所でした^ ^

I went to Izumo with family. Coming there was a first experience in my life. It was a very scenic area. Btw my cold was cured while traveling. Lucky 🙂

A summer cold


I caught a summer cold. The symptoms are sore throat, headache, and malaise. That’s a cold. Probably the cause that I was wearing light clothes in a cool room by air conditioner because of heat like a midsummer:( I hope cool season will come soon!

Doodle: it doesn’t make sense