Send-off party

友人達が壮行会を開いてくれました。ありがたや〜お肉が食べたいと言ったら神戸牛の焼肉屋さんに連れて行ってくれました!沢山色んな方が応援してくれて本当に嬉しいです^ ^海外での製作は未知の世界ゆえに私自身心の準備がまだ整ってないです。でもあまり気負わず楽しんで来ようと思ってます。

My friends were kind enough to held a send-off party for me. Thankfully, they chose a yakiniku restaurant as I requested. What’s more, it was Kobe beef! I’m really happy that so many people support me:) To be honest, I’m not ready for AIR because it’s first experience to make works on abroad. But I don’t go too hard on myself and I wanna enjoy!

Kobe beeeeef !!

Before Packing


Little by little I’m collecting necessary things towards going to Berlin. My luggage must be terribly heavy due to a lot amount of painting tools, bulky winter clothes, groceries and daily necessities etc… I was at a loss about too many belongings when i listed up them. Of course I’ll get local stuffs as possible I can:)

Downfall (Der Untergang)

ドイツ語リスニングも兼ねて、ヒトラー最後の12日という映画を観てみました。長くなるので感想については割愛。ほとんど理解出来ない中でも、時々言葉が聞き取れて嬉しかった^ ^ドイツ語はあらゆる変化系が多すぎて覚えるの大変過ぎる故に、英語って超シンプルだと思えます。英語もまだまだやけど。言語学習は1日してならず!

I watched a movie titled downfall also for listening to German. I omit the the review because it’s going to be long. Even though I hardly understood languages, I could catch some words:) Anyways there’re many variations in German, it’s difficult to memorize those, so I fully realize the simplicity of English. Ich lerne sehr fleißig Duetsch und Englisch!

About a month


It’s about a month till going to Germany. The stay period is from 7th January to 31st March. Now I feel restless a little bit due to piling up a lot of things I have to do. I worry about language, making works and something, but I just need to give it a go, anyways! And expect that I’ll join an art event at Spain in May. I’ll let you know about that in the future:)

German language (Deutsch)

レジデンス中に習う予定のドイツ語がどういった内容か予測がつかないので、基礎から学ぼうと文法書と単語集を買いました。フレーズだけ習得するのも良いけど、基礎を勉強すると理論的に理解できて良いです。動詞の変化系の多さにはビビりますが、新たな事を学ぶのは楽しいです^ ^しかし受験生の如く語学を勉強し過ぎて頭が痛い…

I purchased textbooks about German grammar and vocabulary at second hand store to learn basics because I can’t predict the contents of German class during my residency program. Although It’s not bad to memorize only phrases, it efficient to study basics because of getting theoretical understanding. I’m surprised that the variations of verb are too much, though. It’s so fun to learn about new things 🙂 I have a headache to study hard like a student before test 😅



Various people gave me some opinions with bad or good about my works while displaying. When I think about that deeply, I tend to suspend drawing and lose my way about direction of works. It’s by no means easy to manage myself, and drawing is surely solitary work. But I love drawing after all, and I’m relieved while facing paintings. I wanna be a painter of principle and having objectivity.

Crocodile 🐊

Size of works


I started to prepare for drawing small sized work, but I couldn’t do that well even a draft because, probably, I kept drawing big sized ones. Now I’m under consideration that which size of work is suitable for me. The reason why I changed painting style from watercolor to Japanese style painting that I was drawn to big sized works which have huge power, and also it’s my origin. However, after finishing to draw a small sized work, I should judge my suitable size:)


イギリスのクラシックフェス、BBCプロムスJAPANを聴きに行きました。オーケストラは生演奏に限ります。音の推移とか渦とか調和、全てが素晴らしかった。演目はメンデルスゾーン序曲、チャイコフスキーのピアノ協奏曲1、マーラーの交響曲5番でした。全部良かったけど、私自身がピアノ弾くのでピアノ協奏曲により惹かれました。軽やかで華やかな演奏でした。ベルリンフィル、絶対レジデンス中に行きたいと思ってます^ ^

I enjoyed BBC proms Japan from classic fest in England. Everyone definitely has to listen to orchestras live because you can enjoy the fluctuation, vortex and vibration of sounds. The playlist was Overture by Mendelssohn, Piano concerto 1 by Tchaikovsky and Symphony 5 by Mahler. Although all play was amazing, I was especially drawn to Piano concerto because it was gorgeous performance and also I love playing the piano. I wanna listen to play by Berlin philharmonic during my residence there 🙂

Preparation period

この数ヶ月間、立て続けに大きな絵を3作描き、合間にイラスト描いてと自分で思う以上に絵にエネルギーを使ってた様で痩せたと言われました(*_*)ドイツ出発までの2カ月間は小品を描いて小休止。あとは体力作りして向こうで病気しない様にしたいです。武田真治の筋肉体操します^ ^

I drew three big works continuously for six months and drew some illustration during making above works, and friends whom I met them after a few months said you look thinner than before. Oh… That’s because I consumed big energy for drawing probably. For 2 months until departure, I’ll make small sized works for break and do physical fitness in order to prevent me from illness at Berlin:)


Unknown Asia 終了しました。色々な方と知り合えて有意義な三日間になりました。その一方で、絵の配置の仕方、絵の統一感などが人目を惹く大事な要素だという事を知れて勉強になりました。それから、私の日本画を見たお客さんの方から『強さの中に優しさを感じる』と言ってもらえて感動しました。ずっと立っぱなしでめちゃ疲れたのでゆっくり休みます(-_-)zzz

Unknown Asia is over. They were meaningful days to be able to meet a lot of people. On the other side, I learned what’s the most impressive arrangement for works and unifying the theme of works would be important element to attract attention. I was moved by a comment from an observer who said I felt the gentleness and the strength from your Japanese style painting. I’ll take a rest for a while because of exhaustion 😴