At last I’ll leave Japan day after tomorrow. “Life was like a box of chocolates, you never know what you are gonna get” quoted from Forrest Gump. I wanna open the new gate for my life 🙂
My friends were kind enough to held a send-off party for me. Thankfully, they chose a yakiniku restaurant as I requested. What’s more, it was Kobe beef! I’m really happy that so many people support me:) To be honest, I’m not ready for AIR because it’s first experience to make works on abroad. But I don’t go too hard on myself and I wanna enjoy!
Little by little I’m collecting necessary things towards going to Berlin. My luggage must be terribly heavy due to a lot amount of painting tools, bulky winter clothes, groceries and daily necessities etc… I was at a loss about too many belongings when i listed up them. Of course I’ll get local stuffs as possible I can:)
I watched a movie titled downfall also for listening to German. I omit the the review because it’s going to be long. Even though I hardly understood languages, I could catch some words:) Anyways there’re many variations in German, it’s difficult to memorize those, so I fully realize the simplicity of English. Ich lerne sehr fleißig Duetsch und Englisch!
I purchased textbooks about German grammar and vocabulary at second hand store to learn basics because I can’t predict the contents of German class during my residency program. Although It’s not bad to memorize only phrases, it efficient to study basics because of getting theoretical understanding. I’m surprised that the variations of verb are too much, though. It’s so fun to learn about new things 🙂 I have a headache to study hard like a student before test 😅
Various people gave me some opinions with bad or good about my works while displaying. When I think about that deeply, I tend to suspend drawing and lose my way about direction of works. It’s by no means easy to manage myself, and drawing is surely solitary work. But I love drawing after all, and I’m relieved while facing paintings. I wanna be a painter of principle and having objectivity.
I enjoyed BBC proms Japan from classic fest in England. Everyone definitely has to listen to orchestras live because you can enjoy the fluctuation, vortex and vibration of sounds. The playlist was Overture by Mendelssohn, Piano concerto 1 by Tchaikovsky and Symphony 5 by Mahler. Although all play was amazing, I was especially drawn to Piano concerto because it was gorgeous performance and also I love playing the piano. I wanna listen to play by Berlin philharmonic during my residence there 🙂
I drew three big works continuously for six months and drew some illustration during making above works, and friends whom I met them after a few months said you look thinner than before. Oh… That’s because I consumed big energy for drawing probably. For 2 months until departure, I’ll make small sized works for break and do physical fitness in order to prevent me from illness at Berlin:)
In the end of May, I fell down from bike and bumped my right shoulder strongly. Although I always felt the pain in the right upper arm due to sequelae, I had ignored that. At last I went to a clinic. A doctor said the cause of pain is a damage inside the shoulder joint and never heal that. So I have to do muscle training for muscle reinforcement around shoulder. Wow! Therefore, push up becomes my daily routine!!
I could focus on reading while getting in a train long time. Its title was Realtime Interrupt written by JamesP.Hogan. The beginning of story was slightly boring but gradually it’d be interesting , and fascinated me till last page. “Human should go back to basics” was summary of this story. Btw I think his best one is “ Inherit the Stars” 🙂