Latest illustration

個展には間に合わなかったけど、新しい作品が仕上がりました。ペンギンが描きたかったのです。空が海かどちらにも見えたら幸いです。題名はインスタで決を採った所、messenger になりました(^ν^)

I drew new illustration although it couldn’t be on display at this exhibition due to no making it in time. I wanted to draw penguins. I’d be happy if a blue part looked like both sea and sky. Btw I titled it “Messenger “ , as a result of voting on instagram:)

Concert with nieces コンサート

姪っ子たちとハープ、ピアノ、ソプラノのアンサンブルコンサートに行きました。ハープ奏者は私のピアノの先生の娘さんで普段はフランスで活動してます。とてもとても素晴らしい演奏とハーモニーでした^ ^

I went to piano, harp, soprano Ensemble concert with nieces. A harpist is my piano teacher’s daughter and is usually playing in France:) It was fascinating play and harmony!

The First and the Furious 邦題:wild spead


For a change between making a work, I watched series of movies titled “the First and the Furious” which my friend lent me long time ago. Iwas unstoppable to watch from series 1 to 6 because they were incredibly fun. Adrenaline!!! …Now, I have to resume drawing.

Business card 名刺


I drew a design for my business card. I don’t know why i choose this motif…but bet it’d be a stylish one when it’ll be printed on craft paper.

Art class 日本画教室


I carried two works with stacked sideways which size were 60F and 60P when went to art class. They were bloody heavy so I desperately used all of my energy just only carrying them. I swore that I’ll never again carry two works at the same time_:(´ཀ`」 ∠):

Recommended book 好きな本

『広い宇宙に地球人しか見当たらない50の理由』by Stephen Webb。フェルミのパラドックスに基づくサイエンス本です。例えば宇宙人はいるけど遠すぎて来られない、地球人しか存在しないとか色々な仮説を論証。最後には読者自身の自説も固まると思います。勧めても皆読んでくれないんですけどね〜ちなみに私の意見は、エイリアンは既に地球にいる、です!

“If the universe is teeming with Aliens…Where is Everybody “ by Stephen Webb. This is a science book based on Fermi paradox. 50 hypotheses were demonstrated in it, for example, aliens exist but can’t come here due to being too far-away, we’re alone in the universe , etc… After reading, readers must be able to obtain their own opinion about existence of aliens. Everyone has never read that despite my strong recommendation,though. Btw in my opinion, aliens are already living here:)

Shelled Walnut 胡桃

In Berlin, the host at apartment gave me a lot of walnuts as a souvenir. I ate that every morning with yogurt. At last, the remaining is two…omg. Seriously I’m thinking about purchasing that at Amazon or something.




Today I went hiking at Yoshino mountain in Nara. Sooo beautiful:)

04/07/2019 Yoshino Ultimate Cherry Blossom Walk/吉野千本桜ハイク