New statement

私のアートの方向性が随分と変わったのでArtist statementの内容も刷新しました。このウェブサイトのホーム画面に独語、英語、日本語で載せています。以前は世間や環境、状況に対して、作品のメッセージを通して問題提起する事はアーティストの社会的役割の一つだと思ってました。ただ私の場合は心境の変化を経て、色んな事象を遥か遠くから眺めるようになったら、作品を通して何かを訴える事は私のやりたい事ではないと気付きました。今は美しい作品によってお客さんが感動してくれたらただそれだけで満足です^ ^

Since the direction of my art has changed considerably, I have also renewed the content of my artist statement. It’s on the home screen of this website in German, English and Japanese. previously, I used to think that it was one of the artist’s social roles to pose problems to the world, the environment, and the situation through the message of the work. However, in my case, after the change of state of mind and seeing various phenomena from afar, I realized that appealing something through my work was not what I wanted to do. Right now, I’m just satisfied if observers are moved by my beautiful work 🙂

Invitation card

招待状が完成したのでSNSに載せました。そして今気づいたのですが木曜日(Donnerstag)の綴りが間違っている!!まあ仕方ないので諦めます😅今は展示に向けて準備中です。楽しみです^ ^

The invitation card was completed and I posted it on SNS. But I just realized that I mistook the spelling of Donnerstag. OMG!! I gave up it’s unavoidable, anyways… Now I’m preparing for something towards exhibition. Looking forward to next Thursday:)

Temari 2


Finally Temari was completed, I uploaded them at the gallery in this site. I likened temari’s sphere to the earth, and a migratory fish is swimming on the surface of it. For me, this fish is a symbol of the freedom because there’re many inconveniences nowadays…lol. I gave auspicious words as a subtitle to each work in the hope that fortune will come to those who take it in one’s hand. The starting date of the exhibition was decided on 17th February, I’ll exhibit them at that time. If you’ll come to see actually, I’d be happy 😊


最近美味しいケーキ屋さん兼カフェを見つけて時々買いに行っていたらオーナーさんと仲良くなり、お店の中で絵を展示させてもらう事になりました。展示開始は多分一月末位からと思います。楽しみです♪人との出逢いは何て素晴らしいのでしょう! 展示に向けて次は球体の日本画に挑戦しようと思い画材屋に探しに行ったら、最大でもφ4.8cmまでしかなく仕方なくこれを購入しました。小さなサイズが上手く出来たら木工工芸の職人さんや会社を見つけて、もう少し大きなサイズを注文したいです^ ^

Recently, when I found out a cafe selling delicious cakes and sometimes went there to buy it, I became a friends with an owner of here, and she suggested the exhibit of my works at her cafe. Probably it’ll start around the end of January. I’m looking forward to it:) What a wonderful encounter with people! I went to an art supply store to seek a sphere for Japanese painting towards the exhibition, there was only up to φ4.8 cm, I couldn’t help but buy it. If I can make a small size well, I’d like to find a woodworking craftsman or company and order a slightly larger size sphere.


私の預かり知らぬ間に私のグループ展への参加が決まってました^ ^今朝、下のフライヤーがメールで送られてきて驚きました。しかも載せてる絵は今、日本にあるので急遽似たような作品作るかも。9月6日から8日までベルリンのギャラリーで開かれるらしいです。8日のパーティーの日にピアノ弾きます♪

My participation in the group exhibition was decided before I knew it 🙂 This morning, below flyer was sent to me, I was surprised. And the picture on the flyer is now in Japan, I might make similar one immediately. It’ll be held at a gallery in Berlin Neukölln from September 6th to 8th. I’ll play the piano at the party on 8th ♪

Start exhibition

24日土曜日からexhibitionが始まりました。舞踏パフォーマンス音楽担当の方が紹介ビデオを制作してくれました(下)。私は基本的に土日祝日全て在廊予定です。今回初めて挑戦したインスタレーションが中々好評で嬉しい限りです。どうぞ観に来て下さい^ ^

From 24th, October, our exhibition has already started. A musician who is in charge of music for dance performance created promo video about exhibition (below video). I expect to stay venue on weekend and holiday. Manny people gave me applause about my installation I made it first time, it’s my pleasure. Please come to see:)

Stone Art

いよいよ今週末からexhibitionがスタートします。会場では、それぞれの作家が河原石に絵を描いた作品を販売します。私は”タイルと鯉”をテーマに4種類描きました。なかなか細かな作業でしたが何とか完成しました。もしお気に召したら会場でご購入下さい^ ^

At last the group exhibition will be held from this weekend . Each artist expects to sell the stone art at venue. I drew four pattern of art themed “Tiles and Koi”. It was quite elaborated work but I could do that somehow. If you like it please purchase:)

Contemporary art exhibition

以下exhibitionの詳細です。少し遠いですがどうぞお越し下さい^ ^拝観料込みで800円の入場料を頂きます。

10月24日(土)〜11月8日(日) 10:00-17:00 (11/3の文化の日のみ舞踏パフォーマンスあり)

場所:金勝山浄厳院 JR琵琶湖線安土駅下車 徒歩10分

The details of exhibition is below. Please come to see although it’s far from central part of Kansai district:) you need to pay the entrance fee including admission fee for temple.

Period: 24th October(Sat)- 8th November(Sun). Only 3rd November, dance performance will be conducted.

Place: Jogonin temple (takes 10 minutes by walk from JR Azuchi station.

Going back to Japan


I’m going back to Japan on 30th June. I was considering extending stay in Germany but it’s not easy to gain required documents for visa under this circumstances, so decided to go home. However I expect to come back Germany some day, at that time my pending solo exhibition will be held. I leave my big sized work at gallery. Btw it’s rainy season in Japan right now:)

Group exhibition in Leipzig

来週10日から21日までライプツィヒでグループ展が始まります。急に知らされたのでまだ作品完成してませんが、何とかなるでしょう。10日は準備やパーティーもあるし初めてライプツィヒまで行きます。楽しみです^ ^オンライン配信は無くなったようです。。

From 10th to 21st on June, our group exhibition will be held in Leipzig. An organizer informed us about that suddenly, my work doesn’t complete yet, but bet I’ll be able to do. First time in my life I’m going to Leipzig for preparation and opening party on 10th. Looking forward to that:) Btw online show was canceled.