最近美味しいケーキ屋さん兼カフェを見つけて時々買いに行っていたらオーナーさんと仲良くなり、お店の中で絵を展示させてもらう事になりました。展示開始は多分一月末位からと思います。楽しみです♪人との出逢いは何て素晴らしいのでしょう! 展示に向けて次は球体の日本画に挑戦しようと思い画材屋に探しに行ったら、最大でもφ4.8cmまでしかなく仕方なくこれを購入しました。小さなサイズが上手く出来たら木工工芸の職人さんや会社を見つけて、もう少し大きなサイズを注文したいです^ ^
Recently, when I found out a cafe selling delicious cakes and sometimes went there to buy it, I became a friends with an owner of here, and she suggested the exhibit of my works at her cafe. Probably it’ll start around the end of January. I’m looking forward to it:) What a wonderful encounter with people! I went to an art supply store to seek a sphere for Japanese painting towards the exhibition, there was only up to φ4.8 cm, I couldn’t help but buy it. If I can make a small size well, I’d like to find a woodworking craftsman or company and order a slightly larger size sphere.