
新しい日本画の制作に取り掛かってます。8枚のA4サイズのボードを組み合わせて円形にして、連続した絵を描くという壮大な計画(?)の元、ただ今デザインを考えているのですが思いの外めちゃ難しくて試行錯誤してます。ドイツに来てからの日本画のテーマであるsound circle シリーズの集大成のつもり★

I’m making new works for Japanese painting. In my grand(?) plan, to paint a continuing picture on eight A4 boards arranged in a circle. I’m in under consideration about design of that and keep doing try and error, it’s so hard beyond my prediction. It would be a compilation of series “sound circle” that is a theme for Japanese painting since coming to Germany:)

Andante Cantabile

イラストが完成し題名をRhythm-andante cantabile-と付けました。意味は”ゆっくり歩く様に、歌う様に“です。最近自分のテーマである音楽と絵の融合シリーズです。この題はチャイコフスキーの曲と同じです。ゆったりとした美しい曲です。絵はサイト内のギャラリーに載せます^ ^

My new illustration was completed, and titled “Rhythm-andante cantabile” meaning ‘slowly like walking, like singing’. This new one is a series of integration between music and art which is my current theme of painting. And this title is same as Tchaikovsky’s music which is calming and beautiful one. I’ll put this work at Gallery on this site:)

Size of works


I started to prepare for drawing small sized work, but I couldn’t do that well even a draft because, probably, I kept drawing big sized ones. Now I’m under consideration that which size of work is suitable for me. The reason why I changed painting style from watercolor to Japanese style painting that I was drawn to big sized works which have huge power, and also it’s my origin. However, after finishing to draw a small sized work, I should judge my suitable size:)

Washing 洗い

洗いという手法を初めて用いました。黒い岩絵の具で絵を塗り潰して乾かしてから、再び水で絵の具を洗い流します。何という絵具の無駄遣い 笑(筆洗いに残った絵具は再利用します) 。でもこんなに渋くなったのでやって良かった。ただ全体をどうまとめるか悩みどころ。。

I tried doing a new method named “Washing”. At first I painted out a surface of work by black rock paints , and washed away these paints after drying. What a waste of paints! (The paint remaining in the brush wash will be reused, though). I’m satisfied with this cool outcome, but I don’t know whether it’ll be in harmony among the whole painting.



I tried using a paint roller for the first time . I used mat mediums instead of natural glues because I thought the adhesion of rock paints might decrease due to friction with roller. As a result it’d be fine. I must do this method a lot in future:)

New work


I desperately keep making the base of new painting. I’m suffering with stiff neck due to consecutive detailed work. However I make an effort because it’d become easy after this phase completes.

A final touch 最終調整

いよいよ金曜日の搬入に向けて、絵の最後の調整を行いました。まあ主に豹のヒゲ部分ですね。ヒゲを伸ばしたり濃くしたり。個展会場まで実物を見に来てくれたら嬉しいです^ ^

I made a final touch for artwork towards the day for carrying in of exhibition. Mainly, the touch point was beard of leopard with extending, thickening and so on. I’d be happy if you’ll come to venue and watch that actually:)

Complete!! 完成!


My second art piece was completed at last! I’m proud myself that I could make two big sized works( 60F &60P) for four months. From these ones, I considerably changed the taste of works, but rather it was so fun to draw them because seemed that new taste fitted me:)



I made captions using a styrene board for all works towards following exhibition. I used styrofoam on previous exhibition because of ignorance so the edges of captions tattered…

90% of completion 完成近し


A work which did try and error closed to completion. It needs a detailed adjustment on this stage and have to find just right balance in the picture.It’s also troublesome stage… I’ll make an effort!