Solo exhibition in Berlin

昨日突然私の個展が22日から30日の約1週間、ベルリンのクロイツベルク地区にあるギャラリーにて開催される事が決まりました。。何という嬉しい驚き!ギャラリーのオーナーさんはアーティスト兼ヨガマスターでもあり私が彼女のヨガに時々通ってた縁で、彼女が私のプレゼンを聞きに来た時に私の絵を気に入ってくれたみたいです。人数制限やマスク着用の義務などの規制はありますが私にとってはとても大きな前進です^ ^

Yesterday it was suddenly decided that my solo exhibition will be held from 22nd to 30th at the gallery where there’s at Kreuzberg in Berlin. What a happy surprise! An owner of the gallery is also artist and yoga master I met her at her yoga class. When she came to my presentation, seems that she got curious my works. Although there’re regulations such as restrictions on the number of people and the obligation to wear masks in holding, it’s a great step for me:)



This morning, it was decided that group exhibition is postponed until maybe May and my extension of stay at least 3 months probably. I just contacted the Schengen visa authority. I’ve been feeling massive fatigue against rapid change of circumstances, so went to practice the piano which is my tranquilizer( btw using a rental bike to avoid the contact with people). While playing I organized my mind that I should accept this situation as my destiny. I’m not sure I’ll make extra painting or get a job in three months, but I’ll try to think positively.

Invitation card


Invitation card for our group exhibition was completed. My work is used for front page, I’m happy:) However, now our organizer is thinking whether exhibition is postponed or not. In case of postpone, I’ll extend the stay in Germany using a special extension visa. The period is undecided. I can’t say anything clearly because it’s hard to predict something even the near future. Having a impression that situation is getting worse rapidly because I tend to be late in understanding the circumstances due to no tv&pc there. I just only have a complicated feeling, what’s a tricky status! 🙁 If it’s decided to extend, I might buy a secondhand pc.

About a month


It’s about a month till going to Germany. The stay period is from 7th January to 31st March. Now I feel restless a little bit due to piling up a lot of things I have to do. I worry about language, making works and something, but I just need to give it a go, anyways! And expect that I’ll join an art event at Spain in May. I’ll let you know about that in the future:)


Unknown Asia 終了しました。色々な方と知り合えて有意義な三日間になりました。その一方で、絵の配置の仕方、絵の統一感などが人目を惹く大事な要素だという事を知れて勉強になりました。それから、私の日本画を見たお客さんの方から『強さの中に優しさを感じる』と言ってもらえて感動しました。ずっと立っぱなしでめちゃ疲れたのでゆっくり休みます(-_-)zzz

Unknown Asia is over. They were meaningful days to be able to meet a lot of people. On the other side, I learned what’s the most impressive arrangement for works and unifying the theme of works would be important element to attract attention. I was moved by a comment from an observer who said I felt the gentleness and the strength from your Japanese style painting. I’ll take a rest for a while because of exhaustion 😴


Artist in Residence への参加が決まりました。場所はベルリンで1月から3月までの3ヶ月間。期間の最後にはグループ展にて絵が展示されます。色んな国を検討したけど中々難しくて、漸く受け入れてくれる所が決まって嬉しいです^ ^ちゃんと制作出来るかドキドキですが楽しんで来ようと思います!まずは英語の勉強からです^_^

It was decided that I’ll join the “Artist in Residence” at Berlin from January to March. In the end of the term, a group exhibition will be held there. I sought some worldwide residency programs which could accept me , but it was difficult due to over the application deadline or full. So I was very happy to find there at last 🙂 I wanna enjoy this experience! I have to learn English more, anyway:p

Modification 変更

このサイトのホームに以前は絵を載せてましたが、Gallery と重複してたのでArtist Statement に変えてみました。自分が絵を描く理由、動機なんかを客観的に述べてます。それから、ギャラリー内の絵を密かに?少しずつ増やしてます。

I changed a content of Home in this site from Works to Artist Statement because of duplication with contents of Gallery. I objectively wrote the motivation and reason why I draw paintings. And works is increasing secretly in Gallery little by little.

Unknown Asia 2019


タイトル: Unknown Asia art exchange Osaka 2019

日時: 10.26th_Sat 10:00-20:00 // 10.27th_Sun 9:30-17:30

会場: グランフロント大阪 ナレッジキャピタル コングレコンベンションセンター(北館B2F)

I’ll join an art fair at Osaka in October.

TITLE: Unknown Asia art exchange Osaka 2019

Terms : 10.26th_Sat 10:00-20:00 // 10.27th_Sun 9:30-17:30

Venue: Second basement, North Building, Grand Front Osaka



Second exhibition started. A number of visitors were by no means many but I was happy that not only my friends and acquaintances but also inhabitants living in Takamiya came to see. I’ll make an effort to endure the heat, remaining of 6 days:)

Business card 名刺


I drew a design for my business card. I don’t know why i choose this motif…but bet it’d be a stylish one when it’ll be printed on craft paper.