

I found out a big sized Christmas tree near my apartment. Have a nice Christmas and new year🎄

Historical day


One of my friends taught me that today, November 9th, is the day the Berlin Wall fell (about 30 years ago). I’m living on the former East German side, and maybe because development was slow, it doesn’t feel like an urban, so it’s a good place to live. It’s a very harsh history to be divided into the west and the east in the same country, and I think there were many people who were tossed by a strange fate. It seems that there are still problems, but anyways, it’s a memorable day that they were released from division.

New challenge


I started to make a new work. On the night I saw Nobuyuki Tsujii’s concert, when I was reminded of the beauty of his sound, the image of the painting came to my mind. I felt that his performance was full of happiness and joy, so hope I can reproduce that euphoria in my work. It’s my first challenge to express music as a painting, and now I’m struggling at the draft stage, but I hope it could be a good work 🙂



Just now I’m in Liverpool, England. Last night, I went to listen to Nobuyuki Tsujii’s long-awaited piano performance. The program was Beethoven’s Piano Concerto No. 5 “Emperor”. His play was really fabulous beyond description, but I daresay that his sounds were astonishingly colorful. His timbre was one and only, not a single sound wasted, and the ensemble with the orchestra was great. The 2nd movement of Pathetique Sonata that he played for the encore was so beautiful that I cried. If I have another chance, I definitely want to go to his concert. Once again, I realized that my art is based on music. I’ll continue to create works that fuse music and art.

To the UK


This fall, I decided to go to England to visit my friends. They are currently moving around the UK, but they’ll return to their home country New Zealand in November. Since they are travelers, I don’t know when I’ll be able to meet them again, so I wanna meet them now. And at the same time, one of my favorite pianist, Nobuyuki Tsujii, will have a concert in England, so I definitely want to go to his performance. I’ll plan where else to go later. Can’t wait!

Oh happy day ♪

今日は絵の代金の一部を受け取りました。自分の絵が売れる事は本当に嬉しい事です!そしてまた来年も展示させてくれるそうです☆カフェのオーナーさんは超良い人で私は彼女と知り合えてなんて幸運だろうと心から思います。彼女のお店に来るお客さん達も素晴らしい人ばかりで、お店が縁で沢山の素敵な出会いがありました。これからも出会えた皆との関係を大事にしたいです^ ^

Today I received part of the payment for the painting. I’m really happy to sell my paintings! And seems that I can exhibit next year again. The owner of the cafe is a super nice person and I truly consider myself lucky to have known her. The customers who come to her shop are all amazing people, and there were many wonderful encounters through this place. I wanna continue to cherish the relationships with everyone I met there😊


先日スーパーからアパートに帰って来た時、中庭の通路で何か蠢いていたので避けてよく見るとカタツムリが這っていました。中庭にある子供用の砂場にももう一匹いてびっくり。普段は周りの茂みに住んでるのかもしれませんが、都会でカタツムリに出会えてホッコリしました^ ^

The other day, when I came back to my apartment from supermarket, something was wriggling in the passage of the courtyard, so I avoided it and looked closely, and there was a snail crawling. Also, I was surprised to see another one in the sandbox for children there. They may usually live in the surrounding bushes, but for me, it was heartwarming to meet snails in the city 🙂

4 seasons


The cubed work “four seasons series” was all completed. This work expresses the beauty of changes in flora and fauna as the seasons change, as well as changes in the colors of the sea, sky, and nature. Nature always reminds us of the beauty of this world. Nowadays, many incidents that make us pessimistic happen and shock our hearts. At such times, the beauty of nature and beautiful things such as music and art heals our heart. And I feel that trivial things that can not be visualized such as people’s kindness and virtues actually save us a lot. What I can do is express beauty through art, so if people who see my art will feel a little happiness, I’d be so happy😊

Cubed work 3

新しい立方体作品が完成しました。前のテーマは春だったので今回は夏です。夏の太陽によって景色が色鮮やかになる様を表現しました。制作中はいつもYouTubeで何かしらの音楽を流してますが、今回は辻井伸行さんのピアノにハマってずっと聴いてました。彼のピアノは癖がなくて音が美しいので心に響きます。美しい音で人を感動させられるって素晴らしいです。私も美しい作品で人を感動させられる様なアーティストを目指します^ ^

A new cubed work was completed. Previous theme was spring and this one is summer. I expressed the color of scenery becoming vivid by summer’s sunshine. While making I always listen some music via YouTube, and this time I was into the play by pianist Nobuyuki Tsujii. His piano has no quirks and the sound is really beautiful, so it touches my heart. It’s wonderful to be able to impress people with beautiful sounds. I also aim to be an artist who can impress people with beautiful works:)


今日はピアノの調律と修理をしてもらいました。だいぶ弦が緩んでチェンバロみたいな音になってた部分とか異音がする部分とかを色々丁寧に直して頂き、音がすごくクリアで美しくなりました。音の大きさは内部や後ろ側に毛布とかの布を置いて響きを低減させるしか無いようです。このピアノは100歳超えてるらしいですが、そんな古さは全く感じない美しい音が鳴ります。きっと100年以上の間に沢山持ち主が代わったのでしょうが、今は縁有って私へと辿り着きました。大事に使いたいと思います^ ^

I had the piano tuned and repaired today. The sound became very clear and beautiful by carefully fixing the parts where the strings became loose and sounded like a harpsichord and the parts where there was a strange noise. A tuner said the loudness of the sound can only be reduced by placing a blanket or other cloth inside or behind it. Seems that this piano is over 100 years old, but it produces a beautiful sound that doesn’t feel that old at all. I bet many owners have changed between 100 years, and now I own it, this encounter is wonderfull. I want to cherish to use it:)