Plum blossom

京都に梅を見に行きました。とてもとても美しく素晴らしい景観でした。何度も京都に行っていますが飽きる事は無く、毎回違う楽しみと発見があります。近頃絵のインスピレーションが湧かないのと語学の勉強に時間を割いているので制作が進んでなかったのですが、この京都散策のお陰で閃きが降りてきました。京都は良い^ ^

Visited Kyoto to see plum blossoms. It was really really beautiful and amazing scenery. Quite a few times I come to Kyoto but never get bored, there are different fun and discovery each time. Recently the progress of making work was slow because of lack of inspiration and spending a lot of time to study languages. But thanks to the walking around Kyoto, new inspiration came down to me. Love Kyoto:)

Wooden craft


A new work of Japanese painting I’ll make from now on is like a wooden craft. At this moment I’m not sure I’ll be able to assemble it properly and it’s uncertain it’ll be completed. I’m not good at three-dimensional work. But for me it’s more fun to attempt new things, so I’ll do try and error:) Btw I want an electric jigsaw recently…

Finish exhibition

2週間に渡って開催されたContemporary art exhibition が無事終了しました。累計約380名の方にお越しいただきました。会の規模や知名度、地理的条件、昨今の状況から鑑みてこの来訪者数は上出来だと思います。何よりも皆様から多くの応援や暖かい言葉を頂けた事が一番の成果と思います。また色々な新しい繋がりが出来ました。これからも休む事なく制作を続けて新作を皆様に披露出来たらと思います。ちなみに有難い事に石アートは完売しました^ ^

Contemporary art exhibition held through for two weeks has finished peacefully. Sum of the visitors were about 380. Considering the scale and name recognition of this exhibition, inconvenient location and recent situation, I think this number of visitors is wonderful. More than anything, the best result is that we received a lot of support and warm words from everyone. And I got new connections with some people. I hope that I’ll continue to produce new works without rest and show them to everyone 🙂 Btw, thankfully all of my stone art was sold out!



Installation is the art uniting with the spaces, there’re no restrictions. On the other hand, painting has the basic limitation of a square. Until now, my main focus for making painting was that how can I express my unique characteristics inside square, but by making a circular work in Germany, I was able to free from the so called “common sense of painting”. And this time, I feel that the possibilities of my art have expanded by creating a work titled “Forest”, which is an installation that involves all the cloth, strings, and even the pillars of the temple. I’ll try to find out how far I can pursue this style based on Japanese painting materials.

Start exhibition

24日土曜日からexhibitionが始まりました。舞踏パフォーマンス音楽担当の方が紹介ビデオを制作してくれました(下)。私は基本的に土日祝日全て在廊予定です。今回初めて挑戦したインスタレーションが中々好評で嬉しい限りです。どうぞ観に来て下さい^ ^

From 24th, October, our exhibition has already started. A musician who is in charge of music for dance performance created promo video about exhibition (below video). I expect to stay venue on weekend and holiday. Manny people gave me applause about my installation I made it first time, it’s my pleasure. Please come to see:)

Stone Art

いよいよ今週末からexhibitionがスタートします。会場では、それぞれの作家が河原石に絵を描いた作品を販売します。私は”タイルと鯉”をテーマに4種類描きました。なかなか細かな作業でしたが何とか完成しました。もしお気に召したら会場でご購入下さい^ ^

At last the group exhibition will be held from this weekend . Each artist expects to sell the stone art at venue. I drew four pattern of art themed “Tiles and Koi”. It was quite elaborated work but I could do that somehow. If you like it please purchase:)

Contemporary art exhibition

以下exhibitionの詳細です。少し遠いですがどうぞお越し下さい^ ^拝観料込みで800円の入場料を頂きます。

10月24日(土)〜11月8日(日) 10:00-17:00 (11/3の文化の日のみ舞踏パフォーマンスあり)

場所:金勝山浄厳院 JR琵琶湖線安土駅下車 徒歩10分

The details of exhibition is below. Please come to see although it’s far from central part of Kansai district:) you need to pay the entrance fee including admission fee for temple.

Period: 24th October(Sat)- 8th November(Sun). Only 3rd November, dance performance will be conducted.

Place: Jogonin temple (takes 10 minutes by walk from JR Azuchi station.

Jet lag and notice

水曜日に日本に帰って来ましたが中々時差ボケが治りません。朝から昼になると睡魔が襲って来ます。早く慣れたいものです。それと少し先ですが10月に滋賀でグループ展に参加します。それに向けて作品制作準備を始めます。楽しみです^ ^

I came back to Japan on Wednesday, now I’m still suffering from jet lag. I feel heavy drowsiness from morning to noon. I wanna get used to Japan time soon. And it was decided to join a group exhibition in Shiga in October. I’ll start making works towards that, can’t wait:)

Record cover

前の私の個展で知り合いになったsound artist の方からレコードカバーの制作を依頼されました。私にとってドイツでの初めての仕事です!めっちゃ嬉しい🥰音源はまだ出来てないので彼の歴史や過去の作品からイメージを膨らませて描きました。とても気に入ってくれた様です。ありがたき幸せ^ ^

A sound artist who came to my previous solo exhibition offered me to make a painting for his record cover. It’s my first job in Germany, so happy!! The sounds have not completed yet, so I got inspiration from his history and his past work. Seems that he likes my work, it’s my pleasure:)

Going back to Japan


I’m going back to Japan on 30th June. I was considering extending stay in Germany but it’s not easy to gain required documents for visa under this circumstances, so decided to go home. However I expect to come back Germany some day, at that time my pending solo exhibition will be held. I leave my big sized work at gallery. Btw it’s rainy season in Japan right now:)