“Ich kann, weil ich will, was ich muss.” von Immanuel Kant.
Der Vortrag
Vielleicht kann ich im November in einer Einrichtung in Bezug auf japanuschen Kultur einen kurzen Vortrag über japanische Malerei halten.
I added a few sentences to the “Artist Statement” in Deutsch, English and Japanese. (“Home” on this website)
Die Reinigung
Ich habe den Abfluss des Waschraums sorgfältiger gereinigt als sonst. Sehr schmutzig! Aber etwas zu reinigen macht spaß.
Die Prüfung
In naher Zukunft will ich eine Deutschprüfung machen. Zuerst möchte ich das einfachste Niveau A1 bestehen und das Niveau schrittweise erhöhen. Ein Ziel zu haben motiviert mich zum Lernen.
Private collection
The custom-made work was completed yesterday and I sent the photo to the customer this morning. To be honest, I was really nervous until I got a reply from them. To my delight, they liked my work so much that they wanted me to deliver it earlier than planned (the original delivery date was November). I will ship it within a few days. The client’s request was for the seahorse motif and the colors to be blue and yellow, but the rest was up to my taste. I am very happy that they trusted my sense and entrusted me with everything, and that they were pleased with the finish. If someone has any requests for custom works in the future, I will be happy to make them ✨
Gruppenausstellung in 48 Stunden Neukölln.
<Datum> Von 23. Juni (Freitag) um 19Uhr- Bis 25. Juni (Sonntag) um 19Uhr.
<Ort> Kunstraum Reuter, Reuterstraße 82, 12053 Berlin.
<Kurator> Gabriel Nicolae
Initialization 2 *notice
Regarding the initialization of LINE, I tried to contact my family in Japan using a new account, but they said that they couldn’t receive the message from me. So my LINE App doesn’t work totally. If you are LINE users and have a message to me, please use the message form on this website or via another SNS.
I don’t know the cause, but a few days ago, many of the apps installed on my phone were initialized. Among them, in the SNS application LINE, all history and contacts disappeared.
Group exhibition
It wad decided that I will participate in a group exhibition that’ll be held at the end of next month. Also, I’ll play the piano on the opening day. I’ll post as soon as I have more details. Since many artists will participate, only a few small pieces can be exhibited. It’s better to reschedule that prioritizing the completion of Elster’s painting over the custom-made work, so that Elster could be exhibited.