Private collection


The custom-made work was completed yesterday and I sent the photo to the customer this morning. To be honest, I was really nervous until I got a reply from them. To my delight, they liked my work so much that they wanted me to deliver it earlier than planned (the original delivery date was November). I will ship it within a few days. The client’s request was for the seahorse motif and the colors to be blue and yellow, but the rest was up to my taste. I am very happy that they trusted my sense and entrusted me with everything, and that they were pleased with the finish. If someone has any requests for custom works in the future, I will be happy to make them ✨


Gruppenausstellung in 48 Stunden Neukölln.
<Datum> Von 23. Juni (Freitag) um 19Uhr- Bis 25. Juni (Sonntag) um 19Uhr.
<Ort> Kunstraum Reuter, Reuterstraße 82, 12053 Berlin.
<Kurator> Gabriel Nicolae

Initialization 2 *notice


Regarding the initialization of LINE, I tried to contact my family in Japan using a new account, but they said that they couldn’t receive the message from me. So my LINE App doesn’t work totally. If you are LINE users and have a message to me, please use the message form on this website or via another SNS.



I don’t know the cause, but a few days ago, many of the apps installed on my phone were initialized. Among them, in the SNS application LINE, all history and contacts disappeared.

Group exhibition


It wad decided that I will participate in a group exhibition that’ll be held at the end of next month. Also, I’ll play the piano on the opening day. I’ll post as soon as I have more details. Since many artists will participate, only a few small pieces can be exhibited. It’s better to reschedule that prioritizing the completion of Elster’s painting over the custom-made work, so that Elster could be exhibited.



I found out the name of the bird that built a nest in front of my house is a magpie (Elster in German). I just wanted to draw a picture of a bird, so I chose this bird as a motif of new work. I am looking forward to expressing the beautiful blue feathers in a Japanese painting. Btw this is a medium-sized painting that I plan to make at the same time as the custom-made work.

German art law


I have successfully signed a contract with the customer for a custom-made painting. I’m so happy! This time, in the process of creating a contract, I needed to research German art law, above all, copyright law. It seems that in Germany it’s impossible to transfer the copyright from creators to the third party, except by inheritance. Now, I’m about to start working on it. Because it’s a large size, the production period will probably be one and a half to two months. I would like to enjoy making it so that the customer will be satisfied.🙂

Custom made work


To my great delight, someone appeared who ordered a painting from me. I am very honored that this person likes my artworks. I realized that I am not very good at price negotiations lol. But somehow, now that we have both agreed on a price, I will draw up a contract from now on. A lot of things happen in life.🙃

YouTube channel


I made a YouTube channel with videos regarding with my works and production process. I wanted to put a link to a video of the making process in my presentation slideshow, so I decided to use YouTube as an archive. I’m only uploading short videos now, but I’d be happy if I could post longer production scenes in the future. But I don’t know whether it’s possible or not because I’m always using my all concentrations for painting. However, one of the purposes of my art is to contribute to the spread of beautiful Japanese culture to the world, so it’d be ideal if I could use this channel for that purpose.


Ich werde einen Präsentation über meine Kunst im Kunstsalon halten. Ich bringe einige Gemälde mit und erkläre den Herstellungsprozess, die Ambitionen und Erfahrungen anhand einer Diashow. Je nach Situation spiele ich zu dieser Zeit Flügel.

Datum: 14.4.2023 (Freitag) um 20Uhr (ab 19.30 kommen)
Ort: Karl-Marx Str. 162, 12043 Berlin (bitte klingeln “Rummel”).
Eintritt: Essen.

Bitte bringen Sie etwas zu essen mit. Nach der Präsentation essen, trinken und plaudern wir alle zusammen. Bitte kommen Sie, wenn Sie Zeit haben 🙂