ここ2週間ほど中古ピアノを探していましたが、中々ピアノ提供者とのタイミングが合わなかったりで難航していました。でも今日訪問した方のピアノを購入する事に決めました!昨年の10月からずっと毎週ピアノ練習室に通い練習していましたが足の指の怪我以来、行動範囲が制限された事もあり行けていませんでした。楽器の場合、時々の練習では指が著しく劣化するので元の動きを取り戻すのが本当に大変です。でもこれからは毎日練習できます♪ 5歳から始めたピアノは私にとってライフワークです^ ^
I’ve been looking for a used piano for the past two weeks, but I’ve had a difficult time because a timing with the piano provider didn’t fit and so on. But I decided to buy the piano of the one I visited today! I have been practicing by going to the piano practice room every week since October of last year, but since my toes were injured, I couldn’t go because my range of activity was restricted. In the case of musical instruments, it’s really difficult to regain the original movement because the fingers deteriorate significantly with occasional practice. However I can play it everyday from now on 🎹 The piano that I started at the age of 5 is my lifework 🙂
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