

This morning, it was decided that group exhibition is postponed until maybe May and my extension of stay at least 3 months probably. I just contacted the Schengen visa authority. I’ve been feeling massive fatigue against rapid change of circumstances, so went to practice the piano which is my tranquilizer( btw using a rental bike to avoid the contact with people). While playing I organized my mind that I should accept this situation as my destiny. I’m not sure I’ll make extra painting or get a job in three months, but I’ll try to think positively.

Invitation card


Invitation card for our group exhibition was completed. My work is used for front page, I’m happy:) However, now our organizer is thinking whether exhibition is postponed or not. In case of postpone, I’ll extend the stay in Germany using a special extension visa. The period is undecided. I can’t say anything clearly because it’s hard to predict something even the near future. Having a impression that situation is getting worse rapidly because I tend to be late in understanding the circumstances due to no tv&pc there. I just only have a complicated feeling, what’s a tricky status! 🙁 If it’s decided to extend, I might buy a secondhand pc.


今、私の絵のテーマは音楽と絵の融合です。音楽特有のリズム用語を絵にしたらどうなるのかなと、フリーコンサート中にふと思い立ちました。私にとっては音楽(ピアノ)は絵と同じ位大事な表現媒体なので、この2つを繋げてみたかったのです。そして、そのリズムを刻むのが動物達です^ ^私の絵の世界が広がりそうでワクワクです。

Now my theme of works is to combine music with art. I sparked suddenly while free concert that what will happen if I express the music-specific rhythm terms as a painting. I wanted to unite both of them because they’re important expression mediums for me. And animals beat the rhythm. It’s exciting for me because the world of my works is going to expand 🙂



When I change the color of silver leaf, use lime sulfur but couldn’t find it here, so purchased a liquid including sulfur that is used as blackening silver accessories. I applied that on silver leaf as usual, silver leaf blackened soon without heat( in case of lime sulfur, chemical reaction is urged by heat). And the parts which I didn’t apply anything changed gold or green after painting alum liquid( reaction terminator). Probably it’s caused by difference of pH or ingredients, it’s hard to deal with than lime sulfur. Umm…