
立方体作品が完成しました。テーマは”春”です。色構成は川辺に咲く桜からイメージしました。きっとこの美しい景色は何万年も前から続いていていて、そして今後も末永く美を愛でられる季節が巡る事を願い主題を『無限』にしました。恐らくデザインと色を変えて夏秋冬バージョンも作る予定です^ ^

The cubed work was completed. Its theme is “spring”, and the color composition was inspired from cherry blossoms blooming on the riverside. I’m sure this beautiful scenery has been going on for tens of thousands of years, and I hope that the season of enjoying for beauty will continue for a long time, so I titled “infinity”. I’m probably planning to make a summer / autumn / winter version with different designs and colors:)


昨晩、超久々に映画を観に行きました。映画館に行ったのはボヘミアンラプソディ以来です(3回観た^ ^)。今回観たのは”C’mon C’mon”というアメリカ映画です。言語は英語、字幕はドイツ語で、ドイツ語の勉強になるかと思ったけど、英語も所々発音の癖が強かったりブロークンになると聞き取れない箇所があり、リスニングに注力しててそんな余裕は無かった…でも心温まる良き物語でした。

Last night I went to watch a movie after super long time. Since watching “Bohemian Rhapsody”(I watched it three times :p), I had no opportunity to come to cinema. This time I watched an American movie titled “C’mon C’mon”. The language is English and the subtitles are German, so I thought that it’s a good time to study German while reading subtitles and listening English, but there were some parts of English that I couldn’t hear when they had a strong pronunciation habit or they spoke broken English, so I was doing the best just listening. Anyways, it was a heartwarming and nice story 🙂

Cubed work2

再びキューブ状の作品を今作っています。大きさは10cm四方なので前回より大分小さいです。前は建物をテーマに描きましたが今回『ただ美しいだけの物』を作りたくなったので、日本の和柄を描いてます。イメージした通りの美しさを上手く表現できます様に^ ^!

Now I’m making a cubed work again. Its size is 10cm square, it’s smaller than before. I painted the theme of buildings previous time, but this time I wanted to make “something that is just beautiful”, so I’m drawing Japanese patterns. Hope I can express the beauty as I imagined 🙂


旅行の行き先はRügenというバルト海に面した島にしようと思っています。友人の1人がこの島出身で最近そこの写真を見せてくれたのですが、超美しくて行きたくなりました。別の友達からも同じくお勧めと言われてたのでgood coincidenceです^ ^久々の旅ワクワク☆

I’m planning to travel to Rügen, an island facing the Baltic Sea. One of my friends was from this island and recently showed me a picture of it, which was super beautiful. It’s a good coincidence because another friend said Rügen was amazing. I’m excited about my trip after a long time:)



Today I did an installation of the paintings at the cafe. Every time I install them, I feel that deciding the arrangement of the pictures and adjusting the intervals are difficult tasks. But also I’m happy if I manage to fit it in the space. And today I unpacked the biggest work, resonance, for the first time in a while, but I also found a small mineral pigment peeling off. Very shocking. I’m going to make an emergency repair tomorrow, but I still have to research how to handle new materials and compatibility between painting materials once again in preparation for the future.

Temari 2


Finally Temari was completed, I uploaded them at the gallery in this site. I likened temari’s sphere to the earth, and a migratory fish is swimming on the surface of it. For me, this fish is a symbol of the freedom because there’re many inconveniences nowadays…lol. I gave auspicious words as a subtitle to each work in the hope that fortune will come to those who take it in one’s hand. The starting date of the exhibition was decided on 17th February, I’ll exhibit them at that time. If you’ll come to see actually, I’d be happy 😊


今日母から荷物が届きました。その中に母が作った着物の端切れで作ったコースターを一緒に入れてもらいました。何故なら今作ってる日本画材製手毬の展示に使いたかったからです。手毬の方はまだ未完成ですが乗せてみたらめっちゃ可愛い☆完成まであともう一息頑張ります^ ^

Today I received a package from my mom. I begged her to send me coasters she made using fragments of kimono, because I wanna exhibit my latest work “temari” made by Japanese painting materials with her coasters. Although temari doesn’t complete yet, the combination of them is so cute 🥰 I’ll do my best till it’s completed:)



Previously as I wrote on this post, now I’m making sphere’s works. Since I’ve been living in Germany, rather I’m strongly aware of how unique, elaborate and beautiful Japanese culture and traditional art are. Therefore, I wanted to make the sphere’s works with a stronger Japanese element, so I decided to draw a Temari pattern. The real thing of Temari is embroidery, but i challenge to make it with Japanese painting materials. I expect to exhibit it at following exhibition, I have to do my best:)


最近完成した日本画のタイトルはResonance(共鳴)にしました。重なり合う渦巻きは個々の世界を表しています。基本的に我々には違う価値観や個性があり独立していますが、一つの目的に向かって協力し合う時には各個人の思いが共鳴しているのだと思います。そうやって個を尊重しながらも物事を成し遂げられるのは素敵な事だなぁという思いをこのタイトルに込めました^ ^

I titled the latest Japanese painting “Resonance”. The overlapping swirls represent the individual worlds. Basically, each person have different values ​​and personalities and are independent, but I think that each individual’s heart and feelings resonate when we cooperate toward one purpose. I decided this title because it is wonderful if we’ll be able to accomplish things as a result of resonance while respecting each other:)


最近美味しいケーキ屋さん兼カフェを見つけて時々買いに行っていたらオーナーさんと仲良くなり、お店の中で絵を展示させてもらう事になりました。展示開始は多分一月末位からと思います。楽しみです♪人との出逢いは何て素晴らしいのでしょう! 展示に向けて次は球体の日本画に挑戦しようと思い画材屋に探しに行ったら、最大でもφ4.8cmまでしかなく仕方なくこれを購入しました。小さなサイズが上手く出来たら木工工芸の職人さんや会社を見つけて、もう少し大きなサイズを注文したいです^ ^

Recently, when I found out a cafe selling delicious cakes and sometimes went there to buy it, I became a friends with an owner of here, and she suggested the exhibit of my works at her cafe. Probably it’ll start around the end of January. I’m looking forward to it:) What a wonderful encounter with people! I went to an art supply store to seek a sphere for Japanese painting towards the exhibition, there was only up to φ4.8 cm, I couldn’t help but buy it. If I can make a small size well, I’d like to find a woodworking craftsman or company and order a slightly larger size sphere.