Free concert

毎週火曜にベルリンフィル主催の無料コンサートに行ってます。基本クラシックで新旧色々演奏してくれていつも最高です^ ^そこで先週出会ったマダム達と今日も出会い何だか仲良くなりました。彼女達は英語を解さず私の方もドイツ語ほぼ分からないから雰囲気の会話。でもお互い何となく言いたい事が分かり来週も会う約束をしました。もう少し会話したいからドイツ語もっと頑張る😊

Every Tuesday I go to free lunch concert held by Berlin Philharmonic. Fundamentally playlist is classic music from old to modern, it’s fascinating play every time:) Today I met three madams there whom met last week too. We can’t understand languages we talk about each other but kind of get it somehow and promised let’s meet next week. I wanna talk with them more, this incident would motivate me to lean German more🙂


14 日に自分の絵についてのプレゼンをする事になり、現在原稿を作ってます。当日は原稿無しで挑みますが時々カンニングすると思います。研究者時代に何度もプレゼンしたけど、研究内容よりpptのデザイン性を追求してました😅そんな訳でプレゼンは慣れてるので何とかなると思いますが英語がな〜

Now I’m making a manuscript because it was decided to give a presentation about my works on 14th. I’ll try it without manuscript on the day but bet I’ll steal a glance at it sometimes. When I was a researcher, gave a presentation many times although I didn’t pursued contents of research but a design of PowerPoint:p That’s why I’m used to a presentation so I can do that somehow but English…oh

Share mate


I’m supposed to live with a share mate now and share the kitchen and bathroom with him or her but this person haven’t come yet. When I’m painting whole day, having no chance to meet someone or speak so I feel lonely a little bit. My English ability isn’t getting better without conversations 🙁 Seems that he or she’ll come here after 10 days. I want people who can live comfortably.